PPE Audits
Our bespoke auditing system makes submitting audits simple, fast, and efficient, which makes it easier to put health and safety first at Carris.
Following a decline in the mandatory PPE standards set by the company. We designed and developed a bespoke auditing app for monitoring and measuring our PPE performance.
The initial PPE audit was a paper-based audit, completed on A5 card. The audit prompts the auditor to check 6 mandatory items of PPE; Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Arc Proof Clothing, Hi Visibility Jerkin, Gloves, Safety Boots and 2 task specific items; Ear Protection and Respiratory Protection.
The audits were completed by Directors, Managers, and Supervisors on all site-based staff operating in the highways or our depots. Once completed the audit cards were returned to the safety department where the audit data is logged. The data is presented to the safety team for analysis, trends and patterns can be easily identified allowing intervention and rectification of failings.
Although the audit itself is a quick stop audit the process for returning the completed audit cards and logging the data is time consuming, inefficient, and delays visibility of the information.
Collaboration between our safety and IT teams lead to the evolution of the PPE Audit into a web app. The concept remains the same however, by switching to a digital model, we have eliminated paper waste, simplified the process, removed the need for data to be logged twice, and we now have live data to better help us spot trends.
We are continually improving the reporting function and have a new system in place based around the data coming in from the app. Three failures of the same type from an employee will trigger an email to be sent to the safety department and someone will then act upon that. A fourth failure will then trigger another email but this time it will also go higher up in the company for stricter actions to take place. We feel that this allows us to keep on top of employees who are the biggest culprits of audit failures whereas before we couldn’t do anything like this.
We have also set targets for auditors that can be viewed on the PPE dashboard to encourage more audits. We can now view trends and patterns on our charts that may emerge in real time, this provides opportunity for immediate intervention.
Our health and safety has improved significantly with the use of this application, we know instantly if we're failing in one area and through intervention we can target improvement through various media such as a poster campaigns, toolbox talks and briefings. We can also text/call employees as we are notified of their fails to find out more information or request that they attend the office for training.